4 ways Australian HR can drive innovation

Innovation isn't limited solely to a research and development (R&D) department; it requires buy-in from across an organisation. HR departments are ultimately responsible for developing the innovative capacity of an organisation, which is why they have to lead this drive to become more creative.... [+] Read More

Improving HR Workflow – The Acendre Way

People Analytics provide clear-cut answers to questions around bottlenecks and performance problems. With the right tool set, People Analytics show exactly where in an organization's workflow these problems are occurring - through easy-to-read dashboards designed for executives and HR professionals.... [+] Read More

Employee engagement: Building a stronger, more resilient workforce

These days, it seems like Google just about runs the universe. Many of us use Google ubiquitously, including Gmail for communication, Google Maps to figure out where we're heading and seek answers to life's quandaries through that familiar search page. Yet, there's another reason to... [+] Read More

Australian Healthcare Talent Management – A Financial Perspective

Underpinning these pillars, people analytics can not only shed light on valuable organisational information, but also drive workforce improvements that can cut costs, improve productivity and improve healthcare service. Data can show if recruiting dollars can be spend more effectively, if top performers properly identified... [+] Read More

Australian Strategic Human Capital Management – Security

Underlying any strategic or tactical projects that Australian Chief Human Capital Officers (CHCOs) consider undertaking, are the issues of security and privacy. While the choice of an optimal, efficient and feature-rich talent management solution is critical and necessary to help an organisation achieve its goals... [+] Read More

The Foundations of a Leadership Succession Plan

To prepare new leaders and create a talent pipeline, organizations can take a strategic approach that begins long before leaders make their exit. A strong succession plan leverages reliable information about workers' strengths, career ambitions and potential to prepare the next generation of leaders in... [+] Read More