NGA.NET featured in March issue of the Healthy Together Achievement Program Newsletter

Netting healthy results

Recognising the business benefits of a healthy working environment, such as improved morale and higher productivity, this talent management company decided to reinvigorate its focus on wellbeing.

NGA.NET delivers talent management technology solutions nationwide to both public and private sectors in a range of industries. Its South Melbourne office is registered for the Achievement Program. VECCI has provided valuable assistance through its extensive array of frameworks, tools and templates.

Zivit Inbar, Global HR Director, explains NGA.NET’s Achievement Program journey.

Wellbeing Committee

NGA.NET sought volunteers for a wellbeing committee from each department in the organisation. This committee, representing the entire workforce, started to meet regularly as part of the planning process. A workplace wellbeing charter was established using the Achievement Program template. The program, once established, was named The Netter Advantage (Internally, the employees at NGA.NET are called Netters).


The Committee discussed the organisation’s health priority needs and also ‘What is Wellbeing’. The health priorities were determined as ‘Mental Health’ and ‘Physical Activity’ and the benchmarks for these priorities within the Achievement Program were reviewed.

The Committee went on to brainstorm ideas for initiatives to address the benchmarks. These were then discussed with their teams and a shortlist was finalised.

The Plan in Action

A fitness timetable was established, driven internally by five staff members. Over 30% of staff regularly participate in the activities.

Mick’s Monday Running Club, Wednesdays Walking Group and Fitness Friday (boxing and fitness sessions) have become popular additions. NGA.NET also provides the time to exercise as part of the working day, not expecting staff to devote their lunch breaks to doing these exercises.

An annual social calendar which outlines activities, social events (including a family event) and education opportunities around wellbeing has been implemented. In addition to this, a workplace stretching area that includes yoga mats has also been created and was very welcomed by staff.

More changes in the workplace are also underway. With the team mainly undertaking desk-based activities, sit/stand desks are being introduced.

‘Never work on your birthday’ is another mental health benefit that NGA.NET provides to its valued employees.


The early benefits of implementation are already being seen with relationship building being evident. Through the physical, social and educational activities, employees are getting to know their peers as people, not just work colleagues – all good for business, as well as mental health.

NGA.NET has achieved Recognition Point 1 and is now able to promote itself as working towards creating a healthy workplace.

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