Webinar: Here Comes the Next President – Is Your Agency’s Human Capital Management Strategy Ready?

The current presidential election has been unlike any other, and however it turns out, the consequences will be playing out real soon.

With HCMG, we’re hosting an exclusive webinar to dive into what it all means for human capital leaders.

One thing is certain – a new president will be sworn into office on January 20th, 2017. And regardless of who it will be and how you feel about that person, the stakes for Chief Human Capital Officers (CHCOs) and other federal human capital leaders are enormous.

The federal workforce presents an ongoing crisis for the next president. The current system for managing talent is broken in many places and huge budget challenges must be overcome to fix the problems. Threats include:

  • the ongoing exodus of retiring baby boomers
  • recruiting millennials and other highly-skilled people
  • helping the remaining federal workers establish clear, fulfilling career paths that ensure they remain engaged and committed to helping their agencies fulfill their mission.

Workforce problems have been at the root of numerous recent government failures, from the Veterans Affairs’ healthcare waiting list to the Healthcare.gov launch and more.

Recent studies confirm that many federal executives are struggling to recruit, retain and develop highly-skilled employees and leaders. Our new president certainly will have his or her hands full. To deal effectively with these challenges, the incoming administration must deal with an issue which will impact every single policy it advocates: the state of the federal workforce.

Tackling these problems and the challenge of getting the “people problem” right in our federal government will be essential to fully realizing the new administration’s goals. This raises the obvious question — How do we get it right?

To learn the answer, Acendre is excited to be hosting an exclusive webinar with HCMG, where we’ll talk with those who know best: federal government’s human capital leaders.

We’ve got an All Star panel lined up for the webinar at 1:00 p.m. on May 26th.

  • Ray Limon, Deputy Chief Human Capital Officer, US Department of Interior
  • David Tumblin, Deputy Chief Human Capital Officer, US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)
  • Kevin Mahoney, Chief Human Capital Officer, Department of Commerce

They’ll be joined by our moderator, Miranda Ashby, Senior Vice President at Acendre, for what promises to be a lively and informative discussion.

Just as with this year’s high voter turnout, we already have a high number of registrants to this webinar, so sign up today to make sure you don’t miss out.

To register, visit the official registration site.

We’re looking forward to “seeing” you on May 26th!

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